Family lawyers that understand you
manage your separation with confidence

Separation Can Be
We ensure you have the legal insights necessary to make informed decisions with confidence and certainty at any stage of the separation process.
You choose the level of strategic advice and support you need to suit your particular circumstances.
How we Can Help
Just advice
Just advice
Drafting support
Drafting support
Legal Representation
Legal Representation
what is your dispute?
Parenting arrangements need to be in the best interests of the child.
This is achieved through 4 key rights and obligations...
Financial & Property
Property entitlements depend on the financial and non-financial contributions you make in a relationship.
The Family Court uses a 5-step test to determine property division...
Child Support Issues
Child support is usually an administrative process through the government authority.
Complex matters may require Court applications...
Divorce applications
Divorce can be a straight forward process for most couples.
However some have more complex needs...
Victims of Crime Compensation
All states and territories have government schemes under which victims of violent crimes can seek compensation for their injuries. Let us help you with your application.
Family law Can Be
We are in the 21st Century and clients are too sophisticated to accept the traditional fee charging structure of $x in 6-minute increments for every phone call and email.
We provide legal services in a cost-effective manner and you choose the legal support you need. We also show you options for how you can keep legal costs down.
What do our clients say
The result far exceeded my expectations.